CHQ Engagement Project
"Bravo! I had never been part of a 'Community Engagement Experience' before, and I most certainly hope it will not be my last! The stories told were rich and poignant, making clear that the Chautauqua experience is as unique as those who participate – those who have participated and those who have yet to make Chautauqua their own. The show was brilliantly conceived and incredibly acted. A special congratulations to Ashley Teague, who hit this one out of the park!" -The Chautauquan Daily

In summer of 2016 I developed the CHQ Engagement Project.
Commissioned by Chautauqua Theater Company, the CHQ project puts local Chautauqua community stories on stage.
In 2017 the CHQ Project looked at how our nation is stalled in an ever polarizing inability to engage in productive dialogue. This troubling state of affairs inspired us artists to seek out conversation with communities to which we might not normally find ourselves in proximity.
We then crafted a piece, based on our discussions with individuals and organizations, that explores how our nation and its diverse communities are or are not communicating.
The play asked - what are the invisible barriers standing between us and civil discourse?
Read an article about the 2017 production by clicking here.
Read an article about the 2016 production here.